How Can We Protect Ourselves from Coronavirus대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2020-02-13 16:10:32

A lot of people around the world are worried because of the novel coronavirus which came from Wuhan in China. It has spread quickly to a lot of countries including South Korea. In South Korea, the total number of infected people stands at 11. Because the virus is new, there is no vaccine or cure. So, how can we avoid and protect ourselves from this virus?

In China, where novel coronavirus started, the virus has already killed 132 people, and about 5000 people as of January 29th, 2020 are sick. Also, five million people in Wuhan had already left the place, and over 6000 of them came to South Korea. The symptoms of this virus are similar to flu. You will have a runny nose, dry cough, fever, and sore throat. Also, some patients who have a weak immune system can have some serious diseases like pneumonia. The WHO reported last Tuesday that about 20 percent of infected people were already severely ill. Then, how can we avoid these symptoms?

▲ You can have some symptoms like sore throat, runny nose, and fever.

The experts from the Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommended the washing of hands to avoid this illness. You should wash your hands with soap and running water frequently. Also, when you sneeze, you should cover your mouth with a tissue or with your upper sleeve. Do not cover your mouth with your hands. Another tip is drinking a lot of warm water. Drinking water elevates your immune system. Lastly, you should call 1339 before visiting hospitals to prevent a secondary spread when you appear to be sick.

▲ Washing hands is important to prevent ourselves from coronavirus.

These tips to be safe from the novel coronavirus are simple. You can have a serious illness if you do not do these things. If you want to be safe, you should avoid contact with some people and wash your hands frequently.

February 8th, 2020

Yu Dong-hoon


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