The Fascinating Dream Festival in Ukok Middle School대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2020-02-05 13:27:44

Have you ever heard of a Dream Festival? On October 24, 2019, Ukok Middle School held a Dream Festival in each classroom and in the school's auditorium. The purpose of the festival is for students to find and develop their dreams and talents and show off their abilities. In the Ukok Dream Festival, there was a booth where a counselor who consults about dreams came and counseled students on their career path. Also, magicians and ballet dancers came to tell students about their job, and also performed after teaching them the capability to be a magician and a ballet dancer. Ukok Middle School's police also came and gave a lecture about his job.

▲ Student`s artwork

Kang Mi Yeon, the festival supervisor in Ukok Middle School, said that although Ukok Dream Festival is an annual festival, she could always feel new feelings. She is happy to see students enjoying the festival and finding their dreams and talents. She expressed her ideas about the festival positively as the festival's supervisor. She also considered herself to participate in a booth and did some activities together with the students.

Ukok Dream Festival can cultivate a sense of cooperation, and students from other schools can also enjoy this festival. 

▲ Student`s performance

However, students from other schools frequently make some disturbances which lead to big fights, drinking problems and students leaving the school with other school's students. So, there are some people saying that students from other schools should not be allowed to join in the festival to make the festival more enjoyable and safer.

Even on the negative aspects, it is most important to give students the chance to find and develop their dreams and talents and show off their abilities. Students built their teamwork by doing interesting and enjoyable activities. Many more activities will be added next year for the development of student's dreams and talents.


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