Chelsea Premier win the Premier League and also plan on winning the FA Cup대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2017-06-13 19:33:15

Chelsea won against West-Brom  on the 13th, this win confirms them as the EPL champions . It is the second time in two years and it is the 6th (EPL fifth) championship. Chelsea won 1-0 agaisnt West-Brom during the  37th round of the English Premier League (EPL) in the 2016-17 English Premier.

Chelsea, who scored 87 points, opened the gap to between them and second place holders Tottenham Hotspur (77 points) with 10 points and decided to win regardless of the remaining result.
Chelsea had the best players in the starting lineup for an early win.
Chelsea continued their heavy attack from the start, but West Bromich's defense prevented them from scoring.

 However, in the second half, Azar was replaced by Basuie,who helped Batu Ai score his first goal as well as the goal scored in the second half.Chelsea have won the Premier League title early in the season and hope to win the FA Cup on the 28th.
 Chelsea, who has been in the top 10 of last season and has suffered an extreme slump, will be able to produce a remarkable achievement if they are able to lift two winning trophies this season.
 Hiddink, who has been a relief pitcher for Chelsea, also predicted that he would be tied for 10th place in the regular league because of Chelsea's slump two years ago. However, Chelsea could be said to be completely out of the slump by winning the regular season and the FA Cup final, Chelsea seem to be in their prime.
It is hard to predict which team will stop Chelsea in the knockout stage.

                                                                                           May 20th 2017 By Kim Do Hwan


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