기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2020-01-30 22:41:21

     Nowadays, we can enjoy many forms of development because of technologies. These technologies such as A.I, 5G, and nanotechnology give us many benefits. However, they can also cause us several problems. One example is one's personal information leakage. To prevent this problem, the role of the government is important. They have to follow the pace of the development of technologies so that problems would not happen. On January 9th this year, the law about big data was passed.

▲ big data

     Then, what is big data? Big data is a technology that extracts valuable information from mass data and analyzes the result. Such data is created in a digital environment, and it is big and has many kinds. so, big data is now becoming popular, and the World Economy Forum has selected big data as one of the rising technologies since 2012.

▲ big data used for the regional economy

     There are many situations that big data is used in our life. One example is using it for the regional economy. In Gyeonggi-do, people there made an economy portal based on big data. It is expected that this portal cannot only be used for the marketing of small businesses but also for making policies related to the economy.

▲ law about big data

     Like this, the big data industry is getting bigger. So, what are the things mentioned in data law? Data law is composed of three big laws: personal information protection act, information communication network act, and credit information act. In the personal information protection act, it allows the user to use pseudonymous data both for studies or for public value. With this law, organizations must take reasonable measures to protect the personal information they hold. On the other hand, the information communication network act was made to solve any problems and to protect the personal information of users utilizing information and communication services. Lastly, the credit information act was made for financial companies such as banks, and insurance companies. It also allows the participants to use pseudonymous data, and it is to promote a proficient operation and systematic management of credit information and protect people's privacy.

     The law about data is passed. However, there are many people who criticize this law starting that it is incomplete. It seems like this law needs more consideration and that the government has to keep working on it.


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