Interview with a Korean Middle School Student about Studying대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2017-06-13 19:26:41

 On April 15th I interviewed Kim - Min - Sung. The topic was ‘How much do Korean students study and how do they feel about study” Her responses to this topic are below.

1. How much time do you study everyday?

- I study 4~6 hours everyday. Including my homework and academy.

2.Do you feel stress about studying?

- Of course. Studying is so tiring and boring. I want to play outside, but my mom doesn’t understand my opinions.

3. Why do you feel stress about studying?

- Because I don’t like studying. It isn’t interesting.

4. When do you feel stressed what you do?

- I play with my friend. We share our study problems together.

5. Why do you study?

- Because I have to go to college. Today smart people and rich people are the only ones that get good job. I want to live my life to be more comfortable.

6. If you didn’t have to study for 1 month, what would you do?

- I want to go on a trip. I think my life is so busy, I want to take a rest and I want to play with my friends all day.

7. Do you think most of your friends feel stress about studying?

- Yes they do. Most of my friends go to academy and back home at 10p.m~11p.m. They said, “It is too tiring for students.”

8. What subject do you study most?

- I study math the most. The next one is English.

9. What is a difficult problem when you study?

- When I feel I don’t want to study, I feel like I want to study,but my mother tells me, “You have to do it.”. It is very sad and stressful.

10. Do you think Korean students study more than students in other countries?

- Yes,I do. I have seen a video about that topic. In the class the video said, “Korean students need to take more rests.”

In an interview with a foreign college student in Korea the student said,”Korean students study too hard. They study every day untill 10:00  P.M  and when they finish self-studying in their school, they study untill 12:00 A.M.”

Korean students study too hard and they have a lot of stress about the college entrance examinatinon. On BBC they interviewed english students who live in Korea. They said, “Studying  quietly in a library, studying for good collage, studing untill 10:00P.M, and going to academy is so shocking to us”. Korean students are known to study very hard, possibly harder than other OECD countries.

              Kim - A -Yeun



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