Ulsan Gangnam Middle School‘s Dream Job Speech Project대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2020-01-22 13:33:33

These days, lots of students do not have their dream jobs. The reason for this problem is students do not have much time to think about their future life or jobs. Also, they do not have a not of chances to rind and experience different jobs or fields. To solve this kind of problem, Ulsan Gangnam Middle School makes students do a speech about their dream jobs every year. This is called Ulsan Gangnam Middle School's Dream Job Speech Project.

Ulsan Gangnam Middle School's dream job speech project is usually held in March or April. All of Ulsan Gangnam Middle School's students participate in this project. During this project, students to a public institution where they can experience many jobs, such as barista and drone operators. When students experience different jobs, they can find some jobs or fields that will fit to their skills. Then, students write about the jobs they want to pursue the reason why they want to pursue that job, and what they will do to achieve their dream jobs. After that, the teachers will choose some best project essays. The chosen students with the best essays will make a presentation and a speech about their future job in front of all students of Ulsan Gangnam Middle School.

Through this dream job speech project, Ulsan Gangnam Middle School's students can find and have their dream jobs. One student from Ulsan Gangnam Middle School said that before the project was made, he did not think about his future. However, during this project, he was able to decide what I want to do in the future, and he had a goal to achieve. This project gives a powerful impact on having a dream job for Ulsan Gangnam Middle School's students. So, students make their plans and try to achieve their own dream.

Ulsan Gangnam Middle School holds a dream job speech project for all of their school students every year. Their students can experience various jobs and can make their own plans for their future. This project makes students find the right job or fields for them.


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