Why We Should Have Fingerprints?대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2020-01-22 13:30:18

We are usually aware of the importance of fingerprints when we watch detective movies. Fingerprints have continued to feature as crucial evidence. However, aside from serving as evidence, these are necessary to us for our senses and safety. We have been developed by our hands, precisely by our own fingerprints using a principle that these are like rubber tires.

▲ We usually use fingerprint in our lives

First of all, fingerprints help not only our sense of touch and grip but also our safety. All people have their own fingerprints, and it helps in identifying one's identity. These lead us to hold and touch many things even without our perception. Roland Ennos, a biomechanics researcher, said that people have two advantages over their fingerprints. They help people to improve to grip things and they help to improve their sense of touch. Fingerprints grip surfaces even in wet conditions and the other which might hold more water is also the role of fingerprints in aiding touch.

▲ Fingerprints help us to grip and have perception.

Then, what is the principle of fingerprints on our hands? According to Ennos' theory, fingerprints' minuscule troughs and peaks create friction between our hands and the surfaces we touch while it should reduce friction on smooth surfaces. One particular type of mechanoreceptor is also particularly sensitive to tiny vibrations of a precise frequency, so it helps to give our fingerprints their extreme sensitivity. This rubber-like-principle of fingerprints might prevent blisters, too.

In conclusion, we should know this important and healthy fingerprints. Georges Debrégeas, a physicist-turned-biologist, said that the reason we are so good at manipulating and handling things is that we have this exquisite sense of touch. It means we have been developed mainly by our valuable fingerprints. He also thinks it is possible that our fine sense of touch and precise grip actually co-evolved. We should have pride of our fingerprints which are marks of humanity.

▲ Fingerprints are marks of humanity.

January 18th, 2020

by Seo-yeon Jo


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