Some Problems of Seol, Lunar New Year‘s Day대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2020-01-22 13:28:02
  • 수정 2020-01-22 13:28:45

One of the biggest holidays in South Korea, Seollal, is coming. Seollal is the first day of the first month of the Korean lunar calendar, and it is also called Lunar New Year's Day. On Seollal, most Korean people spend time enjoying traditional culture with their families. However, there are also some problems related to food and customs.

First of all, people enjoy different traditional foods such as slice rice cake soup, mixed dishes, sanjeok, and various fried foods. However, they can cause health problems. There are a lot of traditional foods on Seollal, so sometimes people cannot overcome the temptation to eat too much. Some healthy people can manage their weight, however, it is difficult for some unhealthy people who have chronic diseases. So, to be cautious in eating is very important to them. For example, because rice cakes of rice cake soup raise blood glucose level, people have to eat it moderately.

▲ Korean Traditional Food: Sliced Rice Cake Soup

Second, family feud may appear because of traditional customs. On Seollal, most people perform an ancestral rite in the morning and make a round of New Year's calls to surrounding elders. In this situation, there are some conflicts between a husband and a wife or relatives. For example, because of the Confucian traditions, the foods for ancestral rites are prepared by women like daughter-in-law and daughter in the majority of cases. This can create family conflict, so all family members have to share the responsibility of cooking and housework.

▲ People who have a memorial service

To sum up, there are some conflicts about the foods and customs on Lunar New Year's Day, so all people have to mediate between parties and resolve it. All Koreans must have an enjoyable New Year's Day without any conflicts with their family.

▲ People who have fun Seollal with family

Jan. 18th, 2020

by Son Chae Yun


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