School Violence UCC Project대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2020-01-22 13:14:29

Nowadays, school violence is increasing. On Okdong Elementary School's school violence survey, 8.7

percent of students had experienced school violence. In Okdong Elementary school, teachers participate in the UCC project about school violence every year. All classes in Okdong Elementary School organize UCC in each class about reducing school violence.

▲ 2019 School Violence School Project Contest Exhibit

The UCC project is a project that students are asked to form a group and make a way on how to reduce school violence. The video has to be more than 15 minutes and less than 25 minutes. They need to submit the video on time. The UCC Project can make students think of how to stop school violence. While making a video, Lee Su-Min, who participated in making a video said that they learned how to reduce school violence.

With an interview with Okdong Elementary School sixth grade class two homeroom teacher, Ji Jung Hwa, she said that making the UCC project can make students think about how to reduce school violence. Also, Hwang Sang-Min, who participated in making the UCC Project said that because of UCC Project he realized that he should make a way to reduce school violence. Many students and teachers in Okdong Elementary School said that making the UCC Project can make them think of some ways to reduce school violence.

▲ The team that had won in 2019 School Violence School Project Contest Exhibit

After the UCC contest, the sixth grade class two won second prize in Ulsan. They received a prize. An interview with Lee Jun-Woo said that the project makes me think about how to reduce school violence. The UCC project was successful. It has definitely changed the students' minds about school violence.


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