An Influential Job, YouTuber대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2020-01-22 13:11:38

Do you watch YouTube a lot? Then, what contents are interesting? Nowadays, YouTuber is one of the influential jobs as chosen by many students. They said that they want to be a YouTuber in the future. Most people think they only take a video and upload it, so it is not hard to do. However, YouTubers do not only take videos but also do other things.

YouTubers have a lot of work. First, they decide their contents of YouTube. There are so many contents such as eating, putting makeup, dancing, and singing. Then, YouTubers have to take videos. They use their phones or professional cameras. Some YouTubers take a video alone, and others take a video with the assistance of a director of photography. After taking a video, they have to edit it. Then, they upload it. Their fans will watch their video and write comments about it. Then, YouTubers read them carefully, and they have to compensate for the problems to avoid them the next time they make a video.

▲ Risabe is a makeup YouTuber whose the number of subscribers is two millions.

Then, how can you be a YouTuber? It is not difficult. YouTubers do not care about their spectra such as university, gender, and age. They have to get their own contents and video. Then, after deciding it, they make their channel and upload it. That is it. It is not difficult to be a YouTuber. However, YouTuber is really hard to be a successful YouTuber.

A YouTuber's salary has a very wide gap between the rich and poor. YouTubers who have over one million subscribers earn a lot of money. However, most YouTubers cannot earn a lot of money. A YouTuber whose name is Songdaeik has one million subscribers, and he earns one hundred million won per month. He said that when his subscribers became one hundred million, he was able of his editors and cameraman. He said that he will be a modest person. So, YouTubers get money based on the number of subscribers, likes, hits, and advertisements of products they endorse.

▲ His name is Songdaeik and he was thankful to his subscribers when he did one million subscribers.

YouTubers do a lot of things, and it is not difficult to become a YouTuber. However, it is really hard to succeed in it. Some people think it is easy to earn money. However, they have a lot of works, and they get a lot of stress from the negative comments. So, if your dream is to be a YouTuber, you have to think and prepare for it carefully.


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