Sunken Sewol Ferry Fully Emerges대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2017-06-13 01:52:40

   Sewol ferry appeared from the water on Saturday showing its entire body, and it would be transported to the shore quickly after being loaded onto a semisubmersible transport vessel, the South Korean government said. On Thursday, the ferry was heaiver than what the engineers expected, so they faced difficulties to regain and failed to load the Sewol ferry. For this reason, the transporters delayed to move it. Also, the government considered searching for the nine missing bodeis of the Sewol ferry accident again befor it is moved to the shore.

     Exactly one year ago, the Sewol ferry, carrying a lot of people on board, submerged in the nation's southwest coast, and it killed more than 300 people. Nine bodies are still not discovered. Thus, the hottest issue is about the missing bodies. Lastly, the South Korean government decided to raise wreckage. After the hull of the ferry refloats, the divers will search any remains left in the water and on the sea floor because of the fast flow of water. After salving, the fully emerged Sewol ferry would arrive at a major southern port this week, approximately on Sunday. South Korea's maritime ministry said that the operation team has completed the preparations to relocate the vessel to a port in Mokpo. In addition, the crew recently speed up to remove water and oil from the ferry.

     To protect any remains of nine missing bodies from this terrible accident, the South Korean government decided to pull the ferry out of the water without flaw. The salve process was already ongoing. "We are well aware of the hopes of the bereaved families of the missing victims. We are considering to start the search before landing the shop," said the head of the operation team.

May 10th, by 권정빈


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