Wendy of Red Velvet Got Injured During the Rehearsal of a TV Show대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2020-01-13 15:46:51

▲ Wendy of Red Velvet

On December 25th, because of the malfunction of the lift, Wendy of Red Velvet fell from the stage and got injured during the rehearsal of a TV show televised by SBS.

▲ SBS (broadcaster)

On December 23rd, Red Velvet released the new album, "The ReVe Festival Finale", leading with the title music, "Psycho". After their comeback, on December 25th, Red Velvet planned to have the first stage by SBS. During the rehearsal, SBS made Wendy walk along the narrow tunnel, and come down the stairs. However, the stairs were not situated well, so Wendy fell from the stage which 3.5 meters high. The lift sustaining the stairs was problematic during the rehearsal of BTS the day before the accident occurred, but the broadcaster's easygoing attitude made the accident worse. Because of the accident, Wendy fractured her pelvis and her wrist and injured her right cheekbone.

▲ The broadcaster`s apology statement which was problematic

After the accident, SBS proclaimed their stance about the serious accident. They apologized to the viewers of their TV show, not to Wendy. The fact that SBS did not apologize to Wendy made Red Velvet fans angry, and the broadcaster's apology statement was blamed by the people. Also, SBS expelled about 400 Red Velvet fans because Red Velvet could not participate in the live show because of Wendy's injury. Facing a growing public outcry, SBS apologized to Wendy and proclaimed to start internal irradiation.

Red Velvet members told their fans Wendy's recent state. Moreover, the members said that Wendy cannot chew the food well because of her swelling caused by her injuries, so she usually eats soft food such as egg roll. Also, they said that Wendy is recovering well, and she was pleased with the fans' encouragement.

SM Entertainment determined Red Velvet's later schedules. They said that Red Velvet will have schedules except for Wendy until she recovers well. Also, Red Velvet will pursue their Japanese concert with four members.

January 4th, by Kwak Chae Hyeon


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