Old and Shrinking South Korea대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2020-01-13 15:31:40

Nowadays, we know that the number of old men and women is increasing. According to the National Statistical Office (NSO), the rate of old people who are 65 years old and more is 14.2 percent. Thus, the rate of old people is increasing.

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In language dictionary, aging society means that old men and women's rate in the society accounts seven percent or more population. Today, South Korea is becoming a super-aged society. Like this, we have lots of older people than babies. So, the results of this society bring more problems. First, there is poverty because of the increasing number of old men and women's population. Old people cannot work because of the problem in their body or because of hard employment. Second, an aging society decreases the number of people who can work. The number of old people is increasing, the whole number of newborn babies is decreasing. So, young people who can work are diminishing. Lastly, there is a lack of welfare facilities for the aged society, too.

▲ Ho-dong`s - WordPress.com

To solve this problem, the government of South Korea has to make many solutions. The government must support the laws about helping to solve the low birth rate. It should promote and support young people and should make policies that will lead to childbirth. It is because people have no time to take care of their babies, and they have financial problems. Seoul University professor in the graduate school of public health, Joe Yeong Tae, said something about the diagnosis of the low birth rate over the past ten years. He said that a way to increase the level of policy awareness, we should boldly consider reforming the structure on low birth rate measures.

Aging society is a serious problem nowadays. Many sociology researchers said that if we do not try to solve this problem, South Korea will become a super-aged society after ten years.


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