North Korea Notifying New Strategic Weapon대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2020-01-13 15:27:27

▲ Kim Jung-un is presenting at the North Korean government

The Iranian commander Maj. Gen. Qasem Soleimani, was killed early this Friday at Baghdad International Airport. The reaction of North Korea regarding this affair is noted. Especially, North Korea and Iran have special bonds in Anti-Americanism. Iran is also a country which faces sanctions from the USA. Because of this, North Korea stated their support toward Iran several times. Some experts said that this affair stroke fears to North Korea, and it will finally cause the North Korean development of nuclear. So, it is noticed how North Korea is going to react to this affair.

At a full session of the North Korean government, Kim Jong-un, the North Korean leader, presented "breakthrough" by pursuing self-rehabilitation and strengthening military power. Also, he notified the possibility of discarding ICBM moratorium that has already been discussed during denuclearization negotiation but pre-announced the new strategic weapons. However, North Korea did not directly mention details about the USA and the suspension of North Korea -USA negotiation.

▲ The relationship between North Korea and USA became worse

About the announcement of North Korea, the USA announced another joint South Korea-USA military drill when North Korea keeps going on developing new strategic weapons. Also, the USA wanted to continue negotiations about North Korean denuclearization. In addition, China emphasized the conversation between North Korea and the USA. China also indicated negatively about North Korea's new strategic weapons. Furthermore, Japan criticizes the possibility of tensions on the Korean peninsula and overlooks the visit of Kim Jong-un in South Korea before the South Korean presidential election.

▲ Kim Jong-un inspects the factory

According to the North Korean New Year's Address, they emphasize their self-rehabilitation and a breakthrough. Some people said that the North Korean 5-year economic development plan went unsuccessful, so the "breakthrough" means the economical breakthrough. Also, in reality, the financial burden is too big to develop new strategic weapons to frighten the USA. However, the occurrence of Iran's state of affair is still the condition of the unknown reaction of North Korea to this affair.

January 11th, 2020

by Eugene Jang


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