A New Semester Blues대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2017-06-13 01:44:30

Now that syllabus week is over and done, students at school are excited. But some students have a headache, stomachache, or catch a cold. Why they have those symptoms? It’s because of a new semester blues.

A new semester blue is the symptom that some student shows at new semester caused by fear or feeling oppressed. Ending of the vacation and new circumstances make students feel fear. Especially in Korea, elementary school kids show this symptoms as well as middle or high school students because of academic stress. If their parents go to a doctor with him/her, the doctor gives a diagnosis just like cold, or stress stomachache. The students may have backache, sleep disorder, or tics such as eye blinking, cleared his throat, etc. The relationship with friends is spotted as the main cause of stress.

Then how are the students healed of a new semester blues? There are many ways to overcome, but this is the most important thing. Forget this obsession ‘have to do’ or ‘must to do.’ They tend to bother about their parents or friends next to them and try to gain favor. Of course gaining favor from others is good, but if you get stress about that, it’s not a good thing.

A new semester blue is possible for many students. Try and beat the new semester blues, and you’ll set yourself up for an amazing end to the year.


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