Chance of South Korea‘s Educational Policy대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2020-01-13 15:14:33

Do you know what South Korea is called sometimes? South Korea is sometimes called Hell Joseon because of the educational problem. However, there was an announcement that the South Korean educational policy will change in 2020. As the change will come, we should know the changes and how to use them.

South Korea has two ways of how the students can go to universities. The first way is regular admission, and the second way is nonscheduled admission. Regular admission means that you can apply to the university that you what by using your grade. College Scholastic Ability Test is a test that is taken by most students who are nineteen years old. Nonscheduled admission is a way that includes several types of tests such as vital insufficiency and your school's test. Nowadays, the percent of nonscheduled admission is getting lower.

▲ Change of rate on Regular admission and Nonscheduled admission

Park Chun-ran, a former education minister, called some universities to request to increase the rate of regular admission. Major universities in Seoul have increased the rate of selecting College Scholastic Aptitude Test scores based on the College Scholastic Ability Test for the 2020 school year, which is taken by third-grade high school students. Analysts said that the Education Ministry's shift in its policy stance toward the expansion of the education ministry on time has affected the situation which is called "Park Chun-ran effect." To apply to the universities, you should think of your school grade, where you live, the condition of the university and where you hope to go. If you do not decide in advance, you might have a high rate of spoil when you apply.

▲ Change of recruitment rate by year by year in Universities

Educational policy has changed a lot. We should know how it will change and how we could use it to go to college. It the rate of regular admission increases, you can go to college where you want if you have a good grade in College Scholastic Ability Test unless you have very low grades in aptitude tests in high school.

January 11th, 2020

By Kim woo-yeup


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