The Paper Cup Transfer Project in Munsu Middle School대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2020-01-13 15:02:41

▲ Students had to transfer these paper cups.
It is hard to cooperate with someone and solve a problem fast within a short time. Moreover, if someone does not let others mediate his or her differences of opinion, this will be a problem, too. First-grade students of Munsu Middle School had a project to transfer paper cups in technology and home economics class, which fostered their creativity, their skills in problem-solving and cooperation with other students.
This project involved four students working in a group to make tools out of the given materials and then move six paper cups from one desk to another desk without dropping them. The given materials are stings, wooden chopsticks, clips, straws, sorghum straw, rubber, and tape. The students had to choose only two of the available materials. They should not touch the cups to transfer them, so they were given forty-five minutes to make tools that they can use to transfer the cups.

▲ Students are moving the paper cups by their tools.
The students shared their ideas and made the tools with the cooperation of their group members. One group used chopsticks and stings while another group only used two stings. Like this, students used diverse and creative tools to move the paper cups. Therefore, all groups succeeded to transfer the cups to another desk. The teacher said that this project would help students to improve their creativity, problem-solving skills, and cooperation.
The transfer paper cups project made the students develop more. Even though they were given only forty-five minutes to finish the project, all of them used the time well and made a great result. Kim Min-seo, one of the students who had this project, said that this project let her enhance her cooperation with her friend. She believes that this project was an interesting experience.


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