The Korean History Project대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2020-01-06 16:27:41

These days, school performance assessment is more important than other assessments because today's education has changed a lot. More and more schools are conducting performance evaluations because students need to think a lot during class to be more influential. So, performance evaluation's importance is increasing. Among them, making a presentation of Korea's history was introduced.

▲ They are discussing about their school performance assessment.

In Okhyun Middle School, in Ulsan, South Korea, teachers give students performance evaluation of history for their studies. The performance evaluation of history is that the teacher will set the parts from the textbook by the team, so students take charge of the parts and make the presentation. Korean History project is a semester project in history class that let students survey about student's role and collect data in making a presentation. All of the students form groups to make a survey and make a presentation of Korean History. When students finish making a presentation, they will send an e-mail to their teacher. Before the day of the presentation, students will study hard about their role.

▲ This school is Okhyun Middle School.

On the day of the presentation, students will report their presence. They will explain their role and adduce four questions about their role. A participant was interviewed and said that he really studied hard for their presentation and he believed that he did a good presentation and his partner did a good too. Also, a teacher was interviewed and said that it would be better for the students to understand, organize and study while looking at their textbooks rather than just memorizing the topics. Moreover, students should do a presentation that can be understood and shared with their friends.

Students can get a chance to learn more about history through this kind of assessment. because of the influence of history performance evaluation, it is time to improve concentration, understanding and share what they have studied with their friends.


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