Welcome to Youn’s Kitchen대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2017-06-13 01:28:27

“Youn’s Kitchen” is a famous Korean TV show. As you can tell by the name, the story is about running kitchen. Surprisingly, actors not only run the kitchen but they also cook. They are Yun Yeojeong(main chief), Sin Gu(part-timer), Lee Seojin(cashier), Jung Yoo-mi(assistant chief). Their kitchen is in gili trawangan, a tropical island in Indonesia. They sell Korean traditional food to foreigners.


Main ingredients of their menu is bulgogi which is Korean typical marinated meat. They sell bulgogi noodle, bulgogi rice, bulgogi burger. In order to make such kind of menu, they went to famous Korean chief to learn the recipe. Special sauce for bulgogi is made of onion, pear, garlic (which was not included considering foreigner’s favor), water, sugar, pepper, and sweet sauce. 


There are lots of fun episodes in these programs. First, the Japanese couple consistently said that the actress Jung Yoo-mi is so cute. In addition, the French family, although they ordered all menus, they ordered again and again because the food was so delicious. Moreover, a man asked actor Lee Seojin to make a Korean version of mix coffee. The man highly prefered the coffee so that he even share it with his friends. As a result, this program let foreigners to know about the Korea itself and the traiditional Korean food.



This kitchen is located in Gili Trawangan, a tropical island in Indoesia. However, it only opens once in a week because of the schedule. This program's rate is over 11.3% and broadcast every Friday at 9:50 p.m. in the chanel called TVn.



By Song-yi Lee, Eun Cho



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