How to Be a Pilot 대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2019-12-30 11:44:09

▲ Pilot (courtesy of Flickr)

How many times do you board on an airplane a year? Do you know anything about a pilot? A pilot is a person who controls an airplane. It is a job that is into divided Air Force pilot and airline pilot. An Air Force pilot is primarily responsible for aerial warfare, transport, and reconnaissance, and an airline pilot works for specific companies, transporting people and cargo on fixed schedules. Becoming a pilot is hard. A pilot should be good at math and English. The reason why math is important is for coping ability. Moreover, the reason why English is important is that it is used to communicate with the airport control tower. If a pilot is not good at speaking in English, the airplane that he or she controls cannot take off and land well.

According to an Asiana Airlines flying marketer's interview with the pilot named Jeon mu geun, the pilot said that a pilot commonly flights about 75 to 80 hours in a month. A pilot commonly monitors during the flight and contacts with the control tower. The most important thing in a flight is monitoring the outside of an airplane. Moreover, a pilot who coaches a pilot is called a technical pilot. A technical pilot teaches pilots, and they sometimes have flights. The pilot said to his students that a pilot should keep the basics in mind and have a sense of purpose and responsibility. So, the pilot is the most important person on a flight. If he or she makes a mistake, many people will die.

There are various types of airlines, such as B747, B737, A380, A320, and many others. So, a pilot needs a license about the airplane. Also, after six months, the pilot should be checked with an airplane simulator. If he or she fails in this, he or she cannot have flights. So, this test is important for pilots. To become a pilot is hard, but this is an interesting career. If you want to be a pilot, you should make your body stronger. If you achieve that, I am sure you are ready to be a pilot.


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