Two Special Events Soon in Ulsan, South Korea대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2019-12-30 11:18:06
  • 수정 2019-12-30 11:20:21

There will be two big and special events soon in Ulsan, South Korea: the Ulsan Grand Park Light Festival and Ganjeolgot Sunrise Festival. Here is information about them below.

▲ The Ulsan Grand Park Light Festival

Under the theme of "Moonlight, Travel the Lake," the fourth Ulsan Grand Park Light Festival will open on Dec. 20 and will run for 39 days until Jan. 27, 2020, with a total of nine moonlight travel themes around the pond of abundance at the main gate of Ulsan Grand Park. The opening and lighting ceremony event will be held with a ceremony, an opening, and a lighting ceremony, a lighting show, and a post-dinner event, while the pre-dinner event will feature popular singer Tae Jin-ah, ballad singer Yang Soo-kyeong, and masked singer Jin Hae-sung.

▲ Ganjeolgot Sunrise Festival

Then, people start afresh with hope at Ganjeolgot, which opens the morning of the Korean Peninsula in the New Year! Ganjeolgot is the first place where the sun rises from the land ministry on the Korean Peninsula in the new year, and the name "Ganjeol" comes from fishermen who sail far out of the sea. As its name suggests, the terrain here is riddled with land spikes toward the sea. In the New Year, tourists flock to the country to set a record of more than 100,000 people watching each festival every year, and when the red sun rises, some of it is hidden beyond the Ganjeolgot horizon. One can either scream or quietly join hands to pray for the new year's wish.

Meanwhile, there are many people waiting for these festivals.

December 27th, 2019

by Kim Hyeon


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