Are you living in a happy country?대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2017-06-13 01:09:17


Are You Living in a Happy Country?
     UN Commission on Sustainable Developement has presented World Happiness Report annually since 2012. In the World Happiness Report 2017 emphasizes the importance of both social and personal foundations of happiness. So, it indicates a country which has six variables like generosity or which the goverment is innocent.

 The countries which are highly ranked are almost in Europe. Canade, Denmark, Norway,Switzerland and Iceland are highly evaluated because of the factors which make people happy such as great social welfare and feedom. Most especially, people in Denmark treat well with affaction. And, USA is placed in the 14th place, which is lower than last year. The major elements that affects USA's ranking are social problems, not economic problems.

      Then, Korea is ranked 56th, and it is better than the rank last year. And, Japen is ranked51th, and China is 79th. Otherwise, the low countries are almost located in Africa, and those countries are LIberia, Yemen, Syria, SOuthern Sudan and Tanzania. The reason why these countries have lower happiness index is because they are in civil wer now.
    Itis UN'sd World Happiness Report 2017 which is available for just reference.

 May 12th by 송주연


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