A child‘s Name Laws대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2019-12-26 14:44:56

Nowadays, most people have their own cars. The more convenience we pursue, the more laws arise. For example, the statistics about the traffic accident rate shows that it has increased. Thus, many laws were made by bereaved families of road accident victims. The "Minsik Law", "Haein Law" and "Ha Joon Law" are typical examples of the laws of South Korea.

▲ a vote for the passage of ˝Minsik Law˝

One of the most controversial laws in South Korea is "Minsik Law". According to the Naver "Encyclopedia" of Knowledge, the law was proposed in the wake of the incident involving Kim Min-sik, nine years old, who was killed in a traffic accident at a school zone in Asan, South Chungcheong Province, South Korea in September 2019.

However, it is currently at the center of controversy. Minsik's parents claimed that Minsik is dead because a careless driver drove without safety in the school zones. However, they received a black box's accident image that showed that any driver who passed there could not avoid accidents since it is hard to see the children when they suddenly pop out on the road.

▲ disclosing the Black Box against ˝Minsik Law˝

Han Mun-chul, a lawyer, said that Minsik law is unfair. Moreover, he said that it is not equitable to give a sentence of more than three years unconditionally, and it is problematic that there is no choice of probation or fine depending on the ratio o negligence even if there is a deadly accident. Also, critics said that there are a lot of distortions associated with civil-sense legislation.

▲ a photograph of ˝Haein Accident˝

On the other hand, there are times when public opinion is in a positive mood. It is "Haein Law". According to the Naver "Encyclopedia" of Knowledge, the law calls for clarifying the competent departments for children's safety and requiring first aid for victims of child safety accidents. It drew attention when the child's parents appeared on TV, and the need for the law was strengthened.

It is time for the public to implement good laws so that the victims can receive due compensation. Moreover, it is for South Korea to become a safe country.

December 15th, 2019
by 제서연


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