Ahn Cheol Soo, Ahn Laboratory대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2017-06-13 01:00:03

      Ahn Cheol Soo was born as the oldest son in 1962. Then, he studied in Busan. Although Ahn did not study well, he read many books. He liked to read many books, so he read several books every week. Then, he was interested in the computer when he was in middle school. While keeping his good grades in middle school, he studied in earnest when he became a high school senior.


    Ahn Cheol Soo influenced a lot about our society. After he graduated from College of Medicine, he acquired medical doctorate in 1986. While he was in College of Medicine, he was interested in computer. Then, he made Korea's first vaccine program such as V1, V2 and V3. In 1995, he quit in College of Medicine's dean and established Ahn Cheol Soo Laboratory. By making the laboratory, he began vaccine business in earnest. While he was studying abroad, America's gigantic vaccine enterprise's

McAfree chairman suggested Ahn's vaccine for ten million to him. However, Ahn refused about his suggestion. If Ahn sold vaccine to him, his employees would be dismissed and lost their jobs. Also, he did not want to be dominated like McAfree's abroad enterprise. After he had m

any troubles about his vaccine, he finally preserved his vaccine. Then, he made it and divided it for free. He was a CEO of Ahn Laboratory in 2005. Then, he acquired MBA, and called to office for KAIST professor.

     We would buy abroad's vaccine if there are not Ahn's vaccine. Likewise, Ahn Cheol Soo influenced a lot in our society. He did not sell his vaccine to McAfree's enterprise because of concerned to many people. Then, he gave his vaccine for free. Then, many people use many of his vaccine.

May 6th, by 전성건


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