Parents and Families of LGBTAIQ People in South Korea대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2019-12-26 12:26:08

"I am so proud of my children." These are usual and common words we hear from most parents. However, sometimes it takes a great deal of determination and courage to hear this. For sex minorities, it is very difficult to show themselves to their families and get recognition from them. However, there is a group of parents who support sex minorities.

The Meeting of Parents of Sex Minorities is a meeting of parents of Korean sex minorities. They say that there are a variety of sex minorities in Korean society. That simply is not known because of apathy and prejudice. However, sex minorities are always with us. The Meeting of Parents of Sex Minorities is a meeting to support LGBTAIQ family members and to work together for the rights of sex minorities.

▲ homepage of The Meeting of Parents of Sex Minorities

The Meeting of Parents of Sex Minorities is still working for sexual minorities in South Korea. In the members' books, "I'm a Parent of Queer", "Guide Book for Parents of Queer", and "Coming Out Story", there are stories about parents who understood that their children are LGBTAIQ, and a reminder that sex minorities' parents need to support their children and fight for their rights. Moreover, they upload videos about sexual minorities' rights and parents' stories on YouTube. They also attend to Queer Parade and host free-hug event in order to comfort sex minorities who attend to Queer Parade. When the sex minority abhorrent group asks the sex minorities if they are not sorry to their parents, they say that the parents will also proudly admit that they are proud of them for queers.

▲ YouTube channel of The Meeting of Parents of Sex Minorities

▲ The Meeting of Parents of Sex Minorities in Queer Parade

In Korean society, there is still hate and prejudice to sexual minorities. There are sex minorities who still feel pain because of others' hatred. However, as long as their parents are on their side, they can be proud of themselves.

December 14th, 2019

by Lee Yeonseo


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