The Promising Job A Computer Programmer대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2019-12-03 12:52:49

▲ In this picture, the programmer of the Canada University is programming the application.

Nowadays, with the Fourth Industrial Revolution, many people use smartphones, and with a smartphone, people usually use software programs or play mobile games. America's media group,, irradiated about a promising career in 2019, and computer programmer is picked as the promising job in the future. Computer programmers make software applications and make computer operating systems such as Windows and Android. Also, they protect nations against hackers.

Computer programmers work at IT companies such as Samsung, Microsoft, Google, and Apple. Furthermore, computer programmers make software systems like Android by computer language. They also protect the nation's important data and major facilities systems such as military facilities and nuclear power plants. They also work as crime scene investigators who find hackers and arrest them.

Based on an interview done by the Fast Campus Media to a software programmer at Samsung about the Fourth Industrial Revolution, the programmer will be the most important job in the future because artificial intelligence is important, and to make A.I, software programmer is needed. He also said that when he was young, he liked computer games, and he was interested in computers. So, he entered the Department of Computer Engineering. He was interested in computer languages like Java, and C language. When he graduated from university, he entered Samsung and worked as a software programmer. He then said that the most important thing to remember to be a programmer is that one should like computer programming and need a lot of programming experiences. Moreover, a programmer should not dread failure and need patience.

▲ This picture is showing the C language.

To be a computer programmer, most companies need a license for computer programming and a degree in computer engineering. It is easy to become a computer programmer, but it is hard to enter big companies such as Google, Apple, and Samsung because it needs a lot of experience. So, those people who really like programming will lead the Fourth Industrial Revolution and make the future better.


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