Trump‘s America-good for Korea?대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2017-06-13 00:44:09

On January 20, 2017, Donald Trump took an oath at the U.S. Capitol. Through his oath and separate announcement, he spoke about the United States he would change. He advocated protectionism and referred to allegations of China's currency manipulation. The world's attention is shifting toward changes in the changing landscape of Obama's change to Trump's US. The flow of trade is expected to be completely inverted, as it turns out to be completely different from the previous liberal government's free trade policy. Also, it cannot be said that Trump will have to resort to other trade situations by announcing the withdrawal of the partnership. How will our nation be affected in this trend?

On January 21, 2017, the newly inaugurated U.S. government officially confirmed the withdrawal of theTrans-Pacific Partnership Free Trade Agreement (TPP) from the Pacific countries. Donald Trump has taken his first step toward protectionism amid several pledges he made in his inaugural address. What is expected from a Trump USA is the renegotiation of the Korea-Us FTA, The Hyundai Economic Research Institute predicted that exports would drop by 15 trillion won by 2020. Jobs are expected to drop 7 thousand over four years.

Another change from Trump's era will come from an increase in the American interest rate. Interest rate means the percentage of loaning or borrowing money. The more American interest rates increases, the more investors leave our companies and it will cause hardship for Korean companies. They will not get money for new projects, and they will not manage the company well.By increasing of Korean interest rate, companies and households should pay more for their debt. If they should pay much more money, the economy in Korea will be attacked. People will not use their money, and this will make the economy frozen.


A bigger risk to the economy, Finance Minister Yoo Il-ho said, was the “uncertainty from abroad”, including the incoming administration of U.S. President-elect Donald Trump.

Given the above, unpredictable developments are expected to follow suit in the future. Trade risks stemming from trade related trade3 threats, worsening household debts and financial unrest in companies that require the rise of household debt, are expected to affect the nation, too.


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