Okdong Elementary Schoool‘s Festival, 365 Festival대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2019-12-03 12:39:53

Okdong Elementary School's festival, 365 Festival, is a unique festival that is only held in Okdong Elementary School. First, the festival starts with the performance of the school's recorder team. Second, every student of Okdong Elementary School can go to many booths that are led by the students, and students can do a lot of experiments. Also, when students experience one booth, they can get one stamp, and the students can eat cotton candy or ice cream with those stamps that they get. The students can see other students' performances of busking or shows.

▲ students watching and performing in busking
▲ students experiencing in booths

In an interview with Lee Jin Seo, Okdong Elementary School's principal, he said that the 365 Festival was changed from the school arts festival to the 365 Festival. Changing the school arts festival to 365 festivals is good for students' minds, and they can experience many booths, so the students can enhance their creativity. My friend said that the 365 Festival is better than the school arts festival because students can experience many booths. Many students in Okdong Elementary School like 365 Festival more than the school arts festival, and they like to experience the booths.

The process of 365 Festival can give many experiences to many students, and students can be fun. There are many kinds of the booth, and everyone can experience the booth they want. Also, there are board games to play, and students can eat cotton candy or ice cream. But, there are bad parts of the 365 Festival. Many students can be under the sun because the festival has many outdoor activities. Also, many booths will have many leftovers so it can be trash. Because of that, the environment can e pollution.

Okdong Elementary School's festival, 365 Festival, will be held every October, third Friday. There are pros and cons to this festival, but the majority of students like it.


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