The new chapter of Two days and One night대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2019-12-03 11:29:55

On August 29, 2019, KBS declared that Two Days and One Night will start its first broadcast of season 4 in December. In this season, Yeon Jong Hoon, Kim Sun Ho, Moon Se Yun, Kim Jong Min, Din Din, and Labi will star.

Two Days and One Night is a TV program in which the cast goes on a trip and hosts a program. This program started its first broadcast on August 5, 2007. This new program was watched by many people, and Two Days and One Night broadcasted until season 3. However, this chapter stopped broadcasting because of an incident involving Jeong Jun young.

▲ The members of the group are preparing to shoot for Two days and One night.

Police declared that Jeong Jun Young shot the video in BurningSun. Also, it was revealed that there was a Kakao Talk chat room with 10 members including Choi Jong Hoon and Roy Kim. It revealed that Cha Tae Hyun and Kim Joon Ho played golf for money. People thought it was okay, but the amount of money was very big. So, they didn't continue to broadcast. Then, Two Days and One Night suddenly ended.

Two days and One night will start their first return broadcast in December, but many fans are worried about season 4. The member to last since season 1 is Kim Jong Min. The other people are all new members. People don't think that the new members will be as funny as the old members. Most people anticipate the new members and the new season, but some people don't want these new members.

Today, there are many contents in TV programs like Shin Seo Yoo Ki. Also, Two Days and One Night has kept consistently high ratings since season 1, but Two Days and One Night can't be successful if it doesn't give as much fun as season one. People are considering what this program will be like before Season 4 starts.

Though there was the incident of Jung Jun Young and golf incident, many fans are looking forward to the 4th season of this program with new members. However, there are also worry about new producers and actors. They will begin the first broadcast in Damyang. Most people want Two Days and One Night season 4 to broadcast without any problems.

▲ The members of Two days and One night is taking a group picture.


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