Ulsan Gang-nam Middle School‘s Sports Day대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2019-11-29 16:17:06

Have you enjoyed your school's sports day? Almost every school opens its own sports day in South Korea. In the Ulsan Gang-nam Middle school's sports day, students do lots of activities. Students do catching balls, three-legged race, jump rope and also precision dance. Ulsan Gang-nam Middle School's sports day is usually held in May. They usually hold their events in the schoolyard.

▲ Sports Day

Kyung Min Lee, a student of Ulsan Gang-nam Middle School said that he likes their sports day because the event can make him closer to his classmates. When he entered first middle school grade, he felt awkward. However, during their practice for the sports day, he talked a lot with his classmates, and he became close, too. Another advantage of sports day is that it makes students healthy by jumping, dancing and running.

In contrast, there are some disadvantages of sports day. Sports day is a time activity, so students have to talk a lot. When they gather together and talk about their plan, it can sometimes lead to a fight. When they fight, it makes the students feel down and become lethargic. Another thing is they have to do lots of practice. It is a sort of contest, so they have to practice a lot. Then, it is an outdoor activity, so the practice can be more difficult and tiring. Also, students who do not like dancing or are good at gymnastics can feel that sports day is one of the biggest sources of stress for them.

▲ Sports Day

There are two big opinions about Ulsan Gang-nam's sports day. One is that this is a sports day is a good tool to make students enjoy and improve their health, and the other one is sports day causes conflict. Also, some students feel that sports day is a big stress. Those ideas are still not complete. So, Ulsan Gang-nam Middle School's president or managers should deliberate about these two ideas and make their sports day more improved.

By Seoyeon Lee


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