Munsu Middle School Went to Hwarang Training Camp대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2019-11-20 11:58:01

▲ The image of Hwarang village

Munsu Middle School went to the Hwarang training camp on September 30th to October 2nd. The students arrived there at eleven a.m. When they arrived, there were many activities waiting for them. The principal said that they would learn Hwarang's spirit, and they could develop their spirit of leadership through this event. This event would make them become global leaders someday.

Ji Min Kim, a student at Munsu Middle School, said that he was satisfied with this event, and he learned about community life. Finally, he learned about Hwarang's spirit. Because of that, he could care for his friends and I could learn filial duty. Indeed, this event made him a better person.

This event had many activities for students. They were provided with healthy food. Students played

▲ The gallery of Hwarang village

traditional drums to relieve their stress. Also, to learn Hwarang's spirit, they were taught to shoot arrows. Also, they had a talent show for them to develop self-confidence. Students danced and sang a song. Because of that, they were able to relive their stress, and they felt free during this time. Moreover, they had a quiz about Hwarang and learned about the Hwarang spirit. They took a walk in the forest, and they learned about the importance of waiting. They also relieved stress. 

Finally, they played a lot of traditional games like a game of yut. They were not allowed to bring their cellphone and money, so they could concentrate on these activities. Also, there was a good safety education, so there were no injured people.

Through this Hwarang training camp, the students could learn about filial duty, and they could develop leadership and self-confidence. All the students were satisfied with the activities. This event will make them a better person.


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