The Festival of Ulsan Gangnam Middle School대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2019-11-20 11:54:01

Have you ever imitated your teacher? In Ulsan, most students have tried to imitate their teacher. The school festival day in Ulsan Gangnam Middle School is the only day the students are never scolded by their teachers even if they imitate them. "Teacher Parody Contest" is the tradition of Ulsan Gangnam Middle School.

▲ Teacher Parody Contest

To begin with, the principal of Ulsan Gangnam Middle School said that many students are looking forward to the school festival. Students learn how to share their time and effort with others at the festival. The festival will be held on Christmas Eve. Each class will make unique booths, such as ghost houses, lottery room, and singing room. After the booth time, the concert will be held at the gymnasium. The teacher parody contest will be held at the gymnasium, too. The teacher who will be imitated by a student at the concert will become a celebrity at the school.

▲ singing booth

To hold a huge event, the school should accept the problems. All of the students should clean the school because the trash from the festival causes a bad smell. Also, there are many conflicts made by the students because of the disorder during the festival. Many students said that the booth support fun is too little. They should run the booth by taking turns, too. For these reasons, there are voices saying that the school festival should be banned.

Ulsan Gangnam Middle School's students become one because of the festival. They learn how to share their time and efforts through this experience. However, there are many problems at the festival, too. Some students said that the school festival causes many conflicts. Students are trying to overcome the troubles. However, conflicts still remain.


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