Samsung‘s Foldable Phone 대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2019-11-20 11:49:45

Samsung's first foldable phone, Galaxy Fold 5G was released on September 6th, 2019. Even before the new foldable phone was released, lots of people from the whole world were surprised by Samsung's advanced, technology and expected the new revolution of IT technology.

▲ Samsung`s Galaxy Fold 5G

The cost of Galaxy Fold 5G in South Korea is 2,398,000 won in official Samsung online stores. As lots of people have waited and wanted it, the first, second and third supplies were sold out in ten minutes. According to the expert in Samsung, they are expecting that 400,000 supplies will be sold only in 2019, and they are also expecting that it will grow gradually and will reach 36,800,000 sold supplies in 2023.

Like the Galaxy Fold's name, its biggest characteristic is that it is foldable. According to the Samsung official site, it is mentioned that it has an "Infinity Flex Display" which is thin and it consists of a "Hinge folding smooth and unfolding elegantly" because of the sophisticated technology used in watches which is almost perfect. Moreover, it has "True Multitasking" which lets the user do three things at once, and it has a "Compact Size" that can fit on one hand. Also, it has amazing colors, six cameras, and dual battery.

▲ Samsung`s Galaxy Fold 5G

However, unfortunately, US online IT media called Tech Crunch made an assertion that the Galaxy Fold had screen damage after being used in one day. The screen damage was one cm and atypical stain type. Tech Crunch was predicting that it is damage caused by pressing hard in the process of folding the phone. Samsung warned the users that too much pressing of the phone can cause the damages on a screen.

Technology is developing at a quick pace every day and year. Then there came the new revolution in IT technology by Samsung, the Galaxy Fold.


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