Munsu Middle School‘s Chang-up Concert대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2019-11-20 11:48:28

▲ Autonomous clubs` experience booth

Munsu Middle School has a special event in October. The event's name is "Chang-up Concert". This event helps students to develop their dream and talent. There are two activities in "Chang-up Concert": class flea market and experience booths. Many autonomous clubs join this event, and the proceeds are donated to the needy.

The principal of Munsu Middle School said that "Chang-up Concert" lets students explore their future course and experience the principles of the market economy by devising and implementing items in the flea market. This interesting and meaningful event once collected 1,078,000 won for donation. Students can have a great time, and they can also help people in need. It is killing two birds with one stone.

▲ Autonomous clubs` students are donating their profits.

The class flea market and experience booths have to be done with much preparation. Before holding the school flea

market, the students have to organize and put a price on the items which are donated by the class members. Moreover, autonomous clubs' members who prepare an experience booth should work hard while making items and posters of their booth. Also, there are pros and cons of "Chang-up Concert". This event makes students develop and think about their future. However, while selling items, some good things are sold too cheap, and teachers do not let the students sell things too expensively.

Munsu Middle School's "Chang-up Concert" has disadvantages, but it is a special event for students. Ha Jin-oh, a student and a member of the autonomous club, "Find Apple", who participated in the event, said that by holding a virtual reality (VR) and drone exhibition, which are the foundation of fourth industrial revolution, through the "Chang-up Concert", it became a great opportunity to think about future jobs. I believe that "Chang-up Concert" is a good event that leads students to think about their future."


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