The Devil Will Return대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2019-11-19 14:09:46
  • 수정 2019-11-19 14:10:29

Have you ever thought of living with artificial internal organs? As for me, would be terrible. If we did not have organs, doing physical activities would be impossible. An eight-year-old girl underwent a terrible life by having artificial organs because she was raped.

▲ Nayoung got a lot of damaged

On December 11, 2008, a man named Cho Doo-soon took a girl named Nayoung to a bathroom of a church, and he rapped her. Nayoung's organs were damaged, so she had to use artificial internal organs.

Nayoung was shocked mentally and physically. Also, a lot of people were astounded. Cho Doo-soon was imprisoned and got only 12 years of the sentence. Many believed deserved life imprisonment, but he was only sentenced to 12 years for mental and physical weakness because he committed a crime after drinking alcohol. He still denied the charge and offered no contrition for his failures.

Many people were afraid of his come back. These days, violations still exist. Too avoid crimes, we should reinforce a stronger Law of crime. If offenders are punished severely, the crimes will be reduced. In fact, some countries have a harsh punishment for violations. For example, in Singapore, they flog the offenders. Also, in the United States of America, they spread all the information of the criminals such as their address, name, face, and even license plate. Switzerland also has the same rules as the United States of America.

▲ Cho Doo-soon imprisoned.

Therefore, authorities should reinforce the law about crimes. It will be effective to reduce crimes. Moreover, the punishment of sexual assault and murder should be strengthened. These crimes bring fear to a lot of people. Authorities should maintain a society that is safe and peaceful and with fewer crimes.

By Wooin Gil


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