House for Webtoon Character대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2017-06-12 23:55:24

     Recently, the number of people who are interested of Webtoon is increasing. Many people was interested in webtoon. By this, Gangdong-gu was made in the street of Gangpul Webtoon in 2013. Gandong-gu was made for increasing community. The street got tremendous popularity. Now, 2017, Gangdong-gu becomes a house for the character, 'Seungnyong'.

     The street of Gangpul Webtoon is located about 150 meters from the exit no.4 of Gangdong Station on Subway Line No.5. The street is called Specialized Street. Many people have visited this street from 2013 to now. By building the house for character 'Seungnyong', they wanted more and more tourists, especially from teenagers to twenties.

     The house is used as a place where young writers 'work spaces and residents ' convenience are added. The house consists of three floors. On the first floor, there is a cafe where you can taste fresh coffee from a professional barista. It is called 'cafe fool'. You can talk with other people. On the second floor, there is a library. This library has about 1600 of comic books. It has several genres of comic books. Everyone can enjoy this benefit for free. On the third floor, it is called "work room". It will be used by young people who are writers. They will concentrate their creative activities there. A total of four youth aged nineteenth or thirty nine years old or younger are selected, and the recruitment is a cartoon and fairy tale. Applications can be applied if they have an experience of writing their own works or planning to do so. From February 16 to 18, the applicants would apply documents to the city of Gangdong-gu.

     Gangdong-gu said that they will make this place more comfortable. They planned to make the area a venue for residents to participate, including youth courses mentoring and field studies. From March, the theater also have ran a 'Cartoon Class Program' directed by migrant writers. Many people said that 'Seungnyong's House' is fresh. Nobody tried this, but Gangdong-gu did it. Most of experts thought about thousands of people who will visit this place. We can meet this great place in Gangdong-gu.

                                                                                                                                                 by Choi Dahye


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