기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2019-11-14 11:44:04

There are many kinds of school events. There are events that only students can participate, and also, there are events that only parents can participate. The main program for the parents is the open house. It is organized twice a year, in May and September.

▲ Students and Parents Participating in Open Classes

Parents gather at the school gymnasium to listen to the school principals with their school management plans. Then, parents enter their children's classrooms to attend or evaluate their children during classes. At that time, most of the teachers ask their students to do group activities. Students try to look good to their parents. Parents often praise and scold their children for their behavior. Not all students' parents are present. Only parents who attend can participate in the open house.

▲ Students and Parents Participating in Open Classes

After class, parents have a private interview with their children's homeroom teacher. Then, parents who fail to participate in the open house talk to their children's homeroom teacher over the phone. The homeroom teacher and parents usually talk about the students' grade, their friendship, and behavior. After the one-on-one meeting with the homeroom teacher, parents can go home.

▲ Parents listening to school principals at the gymnasium

One of the students who took part in the open house said that the open house is a little burdensome. It is very psychologically stressful that his parents are watching his actions and attitudes during classes. Another student who participated in the open house said that he hated open classes because he was scolded by her parents at home. He believed that he did good, but his parents did not think that way.

One of the teachers at the school who held an open class said about the idea of the open house. He said that open classes are very burdensome. He said that students feel every time their parents evaluate their class. Hence, most students do not like this program.

November, 10th, 2019

By Park Min Hu


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