Sewol Ferry, Missig Victims, Retrieval of Bodies Begins대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2017-06-12 23:40:28

   On March 25, 2017, for the Sewol ferry victims started. The prepartaion for the retrival of the bodies of Sewol ferry victims to a port in Mokpo was completed. It took about three days to pump out water. Also, in the end of April 11, 2017, it was finished. The Sewol ferry incident occured on April 16, 2014. It was a common ferry incident which took high school students who went for a school trip to jeju-do and many other trippers. However, there were some problems with the ferry. So, too many people were not able to come back to their house forever. Even suvivors got some sense of guilt because they were the only ones who survived and felt sorry to thier friends. The ferry sank, and there was no any person who evacuated the passengers. As from this disaster, times go by three years already, but there are still nine passengers missing. In the past, they could not do something for them.
     After the recovery, it was sad that the nine of missing passengers were not found. However, one of the missing passengers, Danwon high School student's school uniform, was found. This school uniform made all people feel sorrowful. Even if the body was not found, the family of the deceased got better than anything they gave back. Furthermore, there was a passport found to be that of Lee Joon Seok who is the Sewol's 70-year-old captain. He is serving for 36 years in prison for criminal negligence and dereliction of duty.
     It was a very serious disaster that we should not forget. There are still many people who cherish the memory of a deceased person. There is no direct help for the victims, so we should do that activity to give a little consolation.

April 26th by. 김민서


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