Is School-record Based College Admission Screening Fair?대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2019-11-14 11:32:21

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November 14th is the day of Korean SAT, and lots of students and their parents are preparing to choose the appropriate way of college admission screening. In South Korea, there are several ways to enter college: Korean SAT, university superintended tests(such as interview, essay-type examination, and performance test), and school-record based college admission screening.

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However, school-record based college admission screening has more problems, from the fabrication of school records to corruption scandals. The reason why this type of admission has problems is because of subjectivity and teachers' dereliction of duties. During writing on school records, it is impossible to write every student's record fairly. Also, it is realistically impossible to write all the students' records by one teacher. This contradiction cause students to write their record by themselves, and this is not dependable at all. Also, there is a fatal drawback, because school-record based college admission screening can collapse easily. School-record base college admission literately implies that universities are going to know the applier's whole school life, including countless examination results. This means that a student who had bad grades once cannot have a good future ahead.

▲ Minister Yoo Eun-hye announces new policy about abolition of elite schools. © CBSi Co., Ltd.

Nevertheless, the Progressive Party insists that this ridiculous university entrance examination system should be broadened. Also, they are even going to abolish elite schools including private schools, because they are specialized in preparing students for SAT, not school records. Moreover, the Progressive Party says that school-record based college admission screening must be implemented, never thinks back the realities.

Many teachers, students, and their parents are denouncing to this delirium admission process. It suggests that the Progressive Party's viewpoint of college admission screening really needs to be changed, reflecting on public opinion and actualities.

By Lee Hyun-seo,

Nov. 10th, 2019.


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