\"Logan\", The Movie of Hugh Jackman‘s Final Wolverine대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2017-06-12 23:35:51

    "Logan" was released in my country last March 1st, and it is directed by James Mangold. Now, tickets are sold for a total of more than 2.1 million. The film, "Logan" was a box office on Monday, March 6th, and it succeeded even though minors were not allowed to watch that movie.
     The reason why 'Logan' hit the box office is that first, achieved the superhero blockbuster. The movie suggested a vision unlike other movies about hero. The direct, James Mangold composed a realistic and crucial story by dealing with fear and weakness of a hero. Hugh Jackman also tried to play his part enthusiastically in order to show the look of a human.


Second, it performs a brilliant exploit of Hugh Jackman and Patrick Stewart. 'Logan' was paid attention because their acting in the series of X-Men. Hugh Jackman made a new record that he played the same role at the X-Men series for 17 years. He said he loves the character of Wolverine so much. Also, the character really makes him happy. The movie was so special among other movies that he have been acting until now. The third one is the stripe action of Logan and Lola. 'Logan' showed a nirefree and more powerful action than before. Especially, the audience said that the scene of Logan and Lola, when they fight against the villians, was the best. Finally, the mood of attractive western parts is good. Unlike existing X-Men series, the completely different locations made the background of 'Logan' different mood.
     Hugh Jackman concentrated to show the audience humane aspect, not  mutation. It was different from other superhero movie series. If you like Hugh Jackman or his movies, you must watch this movie.

April 26th by. 김하영


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