Kakao aims to compete with Youtube with its new media platform대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2017-06-12 23:15:35
  • 수정 2017-09-13 21:32:51

Kakao recently launched “Kakao TV,” a renewed version of its video services, to compete with foreign services such as YouTube.

The company unified its previous services -- Daum TV Pot and Kakao TV -- to be compatible with different devices including personal computers, tablet computers and mobile devices.

“Kakao TV is a platform where the creators can share their videos through various channels and also make profits out of it,” Bae Dong-ho, the director of the video platform team of Kakao, said.

Yet, the users originally from Daum TV Pot are rather expressing their disappointment toward the new app.

On Google Play App Store, about 97 percent of the users who downloaded the renewed Kakao TV app gave 1 stars out of five. They said that the version before the renewal was much better than the updated version.

While it considers market-dominating foreign services such as Youtube as its competitors, Kakao TV yet has a long way to go to organize its services, especially with user convenience and technological development.

The users complained about the need of re-login when they want to join streaming broadcast on Kakao TV while they do not need to do so on YouTube. Also, they suggested that the Kakao TV is quite often laggy when live streaming broadcast.

Though with such disappointing reactions, Kakao TV is still attempting to make itself competitive with popular contents creators.

It has scouted some popular YouTubers and Broadcast Jockeys such as DDotty, Sleepground, Banzz, Kim Eve, Great Library -- also known as Daedoseogwan -- and Yum Cast to attract new viewers to the new platform.


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