HHM‘s Partnership with Hydrospider대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
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HHM's Partnership with Hydrospider - Hyundai stated that HHM(Hyundai Hydrogen Mobility, the joint venture between Hyundai Motor Company a… - Energy, will have a partnership with a Swiss Hydrogen energy business
  • 기사등록 2019-10-31 10:47:41

H2 Energy CEO, Rolf Huber, said that he is proud to participate in amplifying an eco- friendly common use car at the European market through establishing HHM, and H2 plans to lead in building a Swiss hydrogen energy industry.

Hyundai stated that Hyundai Hydrogen Mobility, founded with H2 Energy, a Swiss Hydrogen energy business, was established on Sep. 26th.

▲ Hyundai and H2 Energy

The schedule began with In Cheol Lee, the executive vice president of Hyundai Motor, Rolf Huber, H2 Energy's CEO, and Swiss government people. H2 Energy is in charge of the Swiss hydrogen mobility commission of which goal is to make sustainable mobility and make a hydrogen charging network. Before this, Hyundai had entered into a Memorandum of Understanding(MOU) with Swiss hydrogen company, H2 Energy. Through this contract, Hyundai plans to supplement 1600 Hydrogen trucks which are based on noraml Xcient with Europe's law, having 190kw Hydrogen fuel cell system which has seven big hydrogen tanks to get 35kg capacity and 400km charge distance.

▲ in hydrogen manufacturing factory.
▲ hydrogen fuel cell truck based on Hyundai Xcient

Hydrogenspider, a joint venture of H2 Energy, Linde and Alpiq leaded swiss commercial Hydrogen manufacturing factory, also located in Gosgen Switzerland, will produce hydrogen for Hyundai at the hydrogen trucks from hydraulic power at the end of this year and will support establishing. Through these corporations to gain corporation, Europe's is to set up a foothold of Europe eco-friendly car market and to amplify fuel-cell cars into its common use car. As European has attention to eco-friendly cars, Major Europe countries have various supporting policies which are separated to give purchase subsidy and to separate cost used for building hydrogen station to amplify distribution of Hydrogen fuel cell car.

Through HHM, Hyundai makes a stable supply- designed contract, making a reliable Hydrogen supplement system. In addition, Europe's hydrogen energy industry was developed.

Oct.20th, 2019 by Kwak Gyeong Min


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