Women changed the Korean Dictionary 대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2019-10-31 10:36:59

Women rejected conventional words and created new words that satirize patriarchal trends. It is pressuring the policy agencies to move beyond the realm of women individuals. They created a feministic language on their own social media. They also made a public statement about the unfair situation and devised the words in a sexist attitude.

▲ Korean dictionary which is including gender discrimination

The word "abortion" has been changed to "stopping pregnancy" to recognize women as the principal body of childbirth, and the word "menstruation" has been changed to "genuine blood" because the word has the meaning of clean blood. Moreover, the word "a sexual victim" has been mentioned to change to "a sex survivor."

▲ Words that are changed by women

These efforts have driven public institutions. In June, the Seoul Women's Family Foundation unveiled its second season this year following last year's "Seoul City's Sex Equality Language Dictionary" to mark the July-July anniversary of gender equality. Seventy-one citizens participated in the sexist language that they could experience in their daily lives, which is picking 10 out of 1,825 improvement plans.

However, there are still many sexist expressions to change. In November, the Korea Institute for Gender Equality and Education conducted sex discrimination monitoring of the Korean language dictionary with the YWCA documentary in Seoul. By analyzing words that include "woman" or "man", 92 of the 770 words were found to be sexist. Sex discrimination is not a subject that can have different opinions from person to person, but it is morally wrong. Also, we should continue to work together to ensure that the culture of gender discrimination is completely gone.

▲ A logo of gender equality

Oct.27th, 2019

by Lee hyowon


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