The Pink Muhly in South Korea대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2019-10-30 22:15:16

After the summer, people can encounter various kinds of flower plants which make the streets colorful. Pink Muhly is one of the beautiful plants that rapidly gaining popularity in most flower festivals I autumn. We can easily see this plant in South Korea. Even though this is an extraordinary plant, still many people can enjoy it.

▲ Pink Muhly festival in Ulsan

Pink Muhly is originally native to the warm plants of the western and central United States. It appears from September to November. It is the reason why we can see a pink-colored park. In addition, it has the resistance to hot, dry climate and drought. According to a researcher, since Pink Muhly's first entry to South Korea in 2014 from the U.S. with its signature lights pink color, it has been spreading very fast.

The parks with Pink Muhly are now considered as good tourist places to take pictures in fall. In addition, the Pink Muhly Festival is being celebrated in Seoul, Gyeongju, Ulsan and other cities in South Korea. Most of the tourists said that they can search the information about the festival through Social Media. In other words, even the homepage of the Pink Muhly helps to promote the regions which have this plant. Thus, many Korean tourists can enjoy and leave a comment.

▲ Gyeongju Pink Muhly festival`s guid book.

Moreover, many people posted a comment about their experiences and opinions during Pink Muhly Festival. For example, the blog of Channel Plus posted some hidden sightseeing of Pink Muhly. First, Chungcheong Province is a good place to see Pink Muhly. This place also has photo zones, so tourists can enjoy it while they go to a park. Second, they recommended the tourists to see Pink Muhly in Gyeongsang Province. Tourists can walk a road full of Muhly which can show a Pink Muhly wave.

▲ an autumn street

Fall is the season of travel, so it is good to participate in the Pink Muhly Festival. Everyone will be able to experience the mysterious atmosphere of the festival and enjoy the autumn season.

October 19, 2019
by 제서연


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