Students reject textbooks대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2017-06-12 22:59:05

The Government said on Monday that a trial of the controversial state-authored history textbook will be conducted at Munmyeong High school in South Gyeongsang

There are some problems in using a state-authored textbook.

First, there are too many inaccurate description of history. This problem  affects the Korean CSAT, which is focused on these textbooks.

There are schools in Korea that apply to be a research school. However, there is a problem with this. To be a research school, schools have to meet certain criteria. One of the criteria is the use of the state-authored textbooks.

Around 170 students of Munmyeong High and their parents took part in a rally, calling on the school to withdraw its application in the use of the textbooks.

“It is not right for the government to independently decide what to teach in history,” a student’s father said at the rally. “The headmaster’s decision is completely against the opinions of students, teachers and parents.”

 The students and their parents of Munmyeong High School protested on Monday.

They are collecting signatures to force the school to drop the state-authored history textbook.

It aims to collect 10,000 signatures by Wednesday.

"It is not right for the government to untillaterally decide what to teach in history", another student's father said at the rally.

 The headmaster's decision is completely against the opinions of students, teachers and parents.

The principal was not on duty Monday. He called in sick.

“Principal Kim Tae-dong is faking illness to hide from all this public anger,” said Kim In-je, also 19. “He must show up to apologize in person and cancel the school’s application to the Education Ministry.”

“We followed proper procedures in applying to become an experimental school to try out the textbooks first,” said Ahn Hyu-jeong, vice principal of Munmyeong.

“But I cannot say for sure what course the school will take from here, since the principal is not in his office to give answers.”

The state-authored history textbook is stop to use on March 17th.


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