Korea‘s Game Industry‘s Future대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2019-10-22 12:24:47

▲ game addiction (source: flickr)

Do you know that WHO categorized game addiction to a disease the same as drug addiction? South Korea has the fourth-biggest gaming industry in the world, and its scale is more than 13 trillion. However, in the decision of the WHO, Korea's game industry will decrease.

Game addiction is like a symptom that people can control their desire of playing games. When people are addicted to games, they do not want to play outside, and they try to play games all the time. Besides, their concentration will decrease, or they cannot sort between games and reality. Also, they can have depression. The reason why most people play games is to relieve stress from studying and work. The way to cure game addiction is to do drug cure and physical cure. Game addiction cannot be solved by oneself. So, one must go to a hospital or go to an expert.

In South Korea, The Ministry of Culture and Tourism said that they oppose to WHO's opinion because Korea's scale of the game industry will decrease 13 trillion to three trillion and most game companies will be closed. Nonetheless, the medical circles approved the recommendation of WHO because they can cure game addiction professionally, and they can earn money. Some of the Japanese medical managers say that they cannot approve to WHO because the brain does not react differently between playing games and reading books or doing exercises.

Playing games to relieve stress from studying or just for fun is not bad. Nevertheless, if you take it so seriously and become addicted, it can be a poison to your body and to your mind.


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