Samsung Released Galaxy Fold대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2019-10-15 17:37:01

Technology is being developed every day. It is changing our life. It is making our life convenient and handy. One of the biggest technology markets is the smartphone. Before the smartphone was invented, people used the folder phone. Folder phone is different from a smartphone, as it has no touch screen. Many people thought that a phone which can be folded is an old phone. However, one of the famous semiconductor corporations, Samsung, launched a foldable smartphone. IT was marched when Samsung was first shown to people a real foldable smartphone. The name of it is Galaxy Fold 5G.

▲ Samsung Galaxy Fold 5G

Samsung is not the first brand to show a foldable smartphone. Before Samsung, Huawei showed people a foldable smartphone called Mate X. Although Galaxy Fold and Mate X are all called foldable phones, there is a big difference between these two. The difference is the way it folds. For Mate X, it folds with a screen being outside. However, in the case of Samsung, the direction of it is opposite. Samsung Galaxy Fold can be folded with a big screen inside. So, it has two screens. This kind of folding way is called inward folding.

However, Samsung Galaxy Fold had many problems before. After it was released in March, some people tested it. However, it had many serious problems. One of the problems was the screen shield. As there was a little space on the edge of the screen between the screen shield and the bezel, dust went inside of that little space, and the screen shield started to peel off, so the reviewers answered that this made it hard to use the phone. There was also a problem with the display of the Galaxy Fold. For some of the samples, the screen suddenly did not work they fold the phone many times. At first, Samsung answered about this problem that this kind of problem is happening because of the testers' mistake. However, as many people responded that the Galaxy Fold has many problems, Samsung postponed the release date.

▲ Improved point in comparison to old version

After Samsung put off the release date, Samsung worked hard to improve the problems of the Galaxy Fold. In the case of improving it, they extended the shield so that it could not be removed. In addition to that, they added a protection cap in the hinge to make it stronger. Moreover, Samsung mentioned that they are working for some applications for Galaxy Fold. After this, Samsung released a renewed Galaxy Fold in September. Although it was released at a high price, the reservation was sold out in five minutes. After people received there phone, the reviewed that Galaxy Fold is a very innovative and well-made smartphone although it is their first try.

Many changes are happening every day around the world. As we can see in Galaxy Fold, Samsung is trying to develop the technology. Since Samsung has shown us their possibility with Galaxy Fold, people are looking forward to Samsung.

Sep 17, 2019
by Kim yerin


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