Translator대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2019-10-02 15:09:50

English or some foreign languages of teenagers make then feel hard. So, they want to be good at foreign languages. A translator can be a suitable career for them. There are many kinds of the translation industry and a person who wants to be a translator has to have knowledge of the language and deep understanding of grammars.

A translator is a person who specializes in translation. It also referred to as an interpreter. The translation industry is classified as publishing translation, Specifications, and Transformation of the Patent Office in International, foreign language translation administration, and travel of tourism translations.

To be a translator, you have to have an excellent knowledge of different languages and to speak and write. Moreover, you need a deep understanding of the relevance of etymology to idioms and usage of different languages. There are a lot of jobs related to translators such as a travel guide, hotel manager, journalist, announcer, humanities research institute, author, publication planner and many more.

▲ Translator need to know many languages.

There is a misunderstanding of the translator. There are people who expect that bilingual people will all

produce quality or satisfactory translations. The reason is just that the person is a fluent speaker in a different language. However, this is not necessarily the case. Differences arise between translators who use translations as a business and those who simply speak two languages in the individuals required for translation, from ability and skill to basic courses, according to Kadosh, a writer of Translation and Bilingualism, Wayback Machine.

▲ There are a lot of languages to translate.

There are many kinds of translation industries and people who want to be a translator should be able to understand and describe disparate differences in different cultures as well as be fluent in both languages in translating. Being a translator will be difficult for you, but working as a translator will be rewarding.


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