Do You Know About GMO?대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2019-10-02 15:07:32

When people are asked if they are ever ate GMO foods, many of them will say they do not know, or they have not. Likewise, many people do not know about GMO foods, and those foods risks and problems. Not only people in South Korea but also people other countries eat GMO foods. However, people do not know about GMO's risks, and GMO's safety is not confirmed yet. So, we need to check the safety of GMO foods.

▲ GMO-Foods-Infographic

GMO means Genetically Modified Organism that helps to change the gene in foods to get a new property. GMO can cause many health problems. For example, using a Canola Oil which is a GMO can be a cause of our poor growth and liver disease. According to an experiment in an institute in England, announced GMO foods can damage our immune system. Another British Medical Association in England said that GMO foods grow a super germ because of a large amount of highly toxic pesticides, and it is a threat to our health.

The worst part of this problem is we cannot treat the GMO's side effects. It is creating cannot win over this bacteria. Also, according to the British Medical Association, it is not confirmed whether the GMO is bad or not. Also, GMO's side effects cannot be treated.

▲ Food manufacturers can use these USDA-approved labels for bio engineered crops and products that contain bio engineered ingredients.

GMO can cause worse health problems, and we cannot treat them, too. For the reparation of the increasing GMO foods in the world, we need to protect ourselves. Hence, we need to know GMO foods well and eat safely.

By Yu Chae Kim


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