IT‘s Advanced Technology대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2019-10-15 17:30:45

What is IT? IT means information technology. It includes computer hardware, software, product services, and equipment parts. We are in the Fourth Industrial Revolution, and IT plays an important role. The Fourth Industrial Revolution means that AI, robot technology, and life science are leading the industrial revolution. This is related to hyperconnectivity and superintelligence.

In South Korea, there are many advantages to IT. We have technology that can make the semiconductor which plays an important role in electronic devices, making electricity move fast.

▲ 5G making faster to connect everything

South Korea is the first country to commercialize 5G among all the other countries, which made Korean leaders in various fields, such as sports and games, the world's first 5G subscribers. In normal smartphones, they use LTE, but 5G is 20 times faster than LTE. This means that we can enjoy computers or smartphones with at least 20 times faster speed than LTE. This 5G technology made it possible to make IoT, AI, V.R., and many others. Paul Heltzel, the reporter of CIO, searched experts and wrote an article that says IT is facing an unprecedented change. Automation, decentralization of IT budgets, rapidly increasing use of cloud-based services, and most recently, artificial intelligence, which emerged as essential elements for work, are rising.

▲ IoT can connect every electronic devise inside and outside

IT's development can make more jobs, such as information experts, system engineers, programmers, big data experts, and many others. In the near future, there will be a house which will be popularized. This house will respond to the owner's orders. This house will be made by advanced IT technology.

We are using information technology around us. This advanced technology increases the importance of information technology. Information technology is making our life more convenient. Information technology is developing faster and faster. In a few years, it will develop more, and our life will be more convenient.


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